Parking to Merge

Many stop and wait at the end of the on-ramp until somebody stops to “let them in”.

A major contributors to traffic congestion is the inability of a most at the wheel to pay enough attention to traffic to merge without disrupting traffic on the highway and  motorways.

Merging requires cooperation and coordination.

  1. Those in the main traffic stream to which traffic is to merge must maintain adequate space in front of their car to provide a safe stopping distance and an opportunity for one (1)  other vehicle to merge into the gap at the next on-ramp. Most on-ramps are preceded by off-ramps allowing some vehicles to leave, creating a larger gap than normal. If one doesn’t close the gap until after the end of the on-ramp, it gives merging traffic a chance to merge easily into that larger gap.
  2. Traffic should merge on a 1:1 basis in dense traffic; with flow from the on-ramp matched vehicle-for-vehicle with that in the lane of the continuing road.
  3. Those who wish to merge must match their speed to that of the traffic on the road and position their vehicle so that it’s aligned with a gap in the traffic before the on-ramp lane ends

When those on the continuing road fail to leave a gap, they contribute to congestion because traffic will attempt to merge more slowly and with a greater potential of a mishap; resulting in perhaps hours of delay while emergency vehicles struggle to respond to a crash.

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